Contaminated wastewater can cause a major problem and incite panic amongst residents in the area. That is why the presence of industrial wastewater treatment plants that are effective and thorough is essential. There are four ways in which a water treatment plant can operate: Effluent Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Common and Combined Effluent Treatments, and Activated Sludge Treatment.

Effluent Treatment Plant

Used by some leading companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, effluent treatment methods are effective in the removal of non-toxic and toxic chemicals to purify water. ETPs also aid in the protection of the environment and is the home of waste water management and industrial effluents. When manufacturing mass-market drugs, it’s highly unlikely that you won’t find both contaminants and effluents, which is why water treatments are necessary. This treatment method removes both toxic and non-toxic materials, dirt, debris, pollution, grit and polymers from the drugs. As ETPs are essential in the removal of any and all pollution, this treatment system is also installed to reduce the overall chance of pollution.

Sewage Treatment Plant

The process of removing contaminants from household sewage water is referred to as domestic wastewater treatment. To do this, the process utilizes physical, chemical, and biological methods to remove both physical and biological contaminants from the water. This aids in producing a waste stream that can be reused in the environment. Doing a pre-treatment process will help in removing additional materials found in the raw wastewater. The process of straining the sewage water to remove objects from the system itself results in clean water that’s safe to consume and use in both homes and businesses.

Common and Combined Effluent Treatment Plants

Some smaller-scale industries are unable to accommodate treatment systems, which is where both common and combined effluent treatment plants come in. A CETP is usually placed in the areas that house small-scale industrial units. The main goal of a CETP is to lower the cost of the treatments for smaller industries that are individually owned. Both common and combined effluent treatment plants help in regard to waste water management without having the need to spend a large amount of money.

Activated Sludge Plant

This plant type incorporates a similar method to that of a sewage treatment plant. An activated sludge treatment plant needs to be maintained on a regular basis in order to prolong its lifespan. Doing so will not only extend the plant’s life but it will also ensure that the water within is being treated properly and safely. Examples of the methods used in ASP include conder ASP, biopure, diamond vortex, bison, crystal eco and biodigester.

Taber Solids Control specializes in the rental, service, sales, and manufacturing of dewatering centrifuges, dredges and other related equipment in the oil and gas industry. We also work with industrial and municipal clients in regard to water treatment and wastewater. Located in Edmonton, Alberta with over 100 years of combined experience in the water treatment business, contact us for more information.